The Deadly Dead Guy Ale

And yet another great brew. :)

I have fancied some good brews from Rouge particularly the Rouge Chocolate Stout and this one is yet to tickle my fancy. 

Rouge Dead Guy Ale

Rouge Ale 
Newport, Oregon USA
Style: Helles Bock / Maibock
Alcohol Content: 6.50% ABV
My Rating: 3.5/5

The beer pours an old copper colored liquid with an off white head that leaves a good lacing afterwards. The nose gives off this malty, bready, nutty scent. The taste at first is somewhat sweet, again bready and nutty but develops into this spicy and grassy tones. At the end, there's this hint of a sweet fruit flavor perhaps of apple. The taste is not as complex and is basically considered as an easy drink. Carbonation is perfect too. I would love to have this again sometime soon. :) 

Well, alright, its not as deadly as I said it was but hey, this is one American craft beer a beer lover should atleast try once. :) 

Got this beer at Howzat Sports Bar in Makati.


michymichymoo said…
Howzat's a beer heaven pala talaga. ;)
Mel said…
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Mel said…
Indeed it is michy! :D
totomai said…
i dont think i can give a proper beer review haha. i'll always end up getting drunk.
Mel said…
Hahahaha. Usually when I do beer reviews, I just try a bottle so as not to get too intoxicated (or try not to be, hehe). I also write down, or atleast remember how exactly it looks, taste, smell and feel. After making some notes then that the time I allow myself to get drunkkkkkkkkkkk hahahaha! :)

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