Vigan Ilocos Sur Heritage Tour (Part 2) Clay pot making at Pagburnayan

A manong who kept on following us offered a Calesa Tour for Php 150 (alright now I need you to read carefully since we felt like we were scammed by the end of this trip, haha.) The offer was simply hard to resist and the authentic "bakasyonista" feeling we will have made us all jump into the calesas and strolled around Vigan after our lunch at Uno Cafe.

JR and Manong kutsero.

This is supposed to be a censored photo, but I dont want to crop it. :))

First stop. RG Jar Factory in Pagburnayan, Vigan Ilocos Sur.

My very first time to make my own clay jar! That was quite an experience and the people are really welcoming and friendly1 Can you believe we went inside the factory, made us try making our own clay jars and gave us a demo on how to do so, all for FREE!!!

Kuya's demo!

Finished jar by kuya! Clap clap!

My turn!

Tadah! Work of art. Hehe.

From then on, I looked at clay pots and jars very differently. I know the hardwork these people are putting on their craft since I have already experienced it. A steady hands, and a great imagination is needed when doing this. Another experience I wont forget.

At the end of our visit there, since everything is free and we did appreciate the warmth and courtesy they showed us, we just gave them a few bucks to show how we appreciate their time. :)


Jeo said…
Hi! Love your Ilocos pics! Wanna go there someday
Mel said…
Hi! Thanks for droppin by my blog. Ilocos is a wonderful place to visit. I can see that you do love to travel as well so its a must that you go visit the place one of these days. :D

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