Can you please help me help others?
I used to have a small business of selling Ebooks online for a very very affordable price. Ive got quite a collection of ebooks and I do want to share them to everyone who loves to read. But since work and other things eat up my time in taking care of this business, I forgot about it totally.
Earlier this evening, someone sent me an SMS and asked me how she could purchase the books that im selling online. Ive decided to just give it out to her for free since the amount of each Ebook only costs about 5 pesos each. I was reminded that I have this and I offered to give the ebooks to her without a fee. Then, Ive thought of one good idea.
I'd want to use my resources (kahit kakapiraso lang) for a better purpose of helping those who needs it. The ebooks that I have could have been sold, even for a small amount and eventually sum it up and provide something for someone. I dont know how, I dont know to whom, but I think its better to start now.
Now I'd want to ask you my dear reader to help me gather my thoughts in doing this. Some of the things I need right now are:
1. People who will help me do this. - admins for the fb site, people who will help me handle the money, (because I dont want to handle the money myself, haha), people who will help me organize things if this will eventually be successful.
2. Names of charitable institution (perhaps a public school, home for the aged, an orphanage, etc)
3. Ebooks to be donated for the site then to be sold.
4. Ideas ideas ideas
To be honest, my mind is blank right now and I need some more heads to think with me.
Now please click this for you to be directed to Book-ish FB page. Kindly let your friends like the page so that they can also help in spreading the word. :)
Its easy to collect a sum of money through online selling. Its easier to reach out to people. Now all I have to do is to get things started by collecting ideas. HELP!!!!
kay - i cant this Friday. :( I have to meet up with another group of friends. But we can set the brainstorming as soon as possible.
Guys I greatly appreciate your efforts and your interest in this. :) Hope we could come up with a great plan.